In Chinese medicine antidepressant remedies actually act differently from Western medicine. So-called antidepressants act on the fire element that feeds the Heart and Calms the Spirit. The important thing is to calm the internal fire, or yin deficiency, and to heal the aggressor of the Heart that hurts the spirit.
O Heart controls the Blood and stores Shen (The Spirit). The kidney is the source of yin and yang energy for the entire body, including the heart. When the Heart function is weak in relation to Yin and Blood, Shen (The Spirit) does not rest well and causes restlessness, palpitations and forgetfulness. One may also have difficulty staying asleep, be bothered by dreams, or (for men) suffer nocturnal emissions. In addition, you may have hot, moist palms and soles, dry mouth, dry stools, or even mouth and tongue ulcers.
When the Heart already presents symptoms, it is because its protector, the Pericardium, is already weakened and that is why the ministerial fire also needs reinforcement.
Factors that attack the mind can be:
- Deficiency of Heart Qi;
- Deficiency of the Blood of the Heart;
- Fire in the Heart.
The formulas have substances of three natures:
- Heavy sedative action;
- Sedatives that nourish the Heart;
- Substances that soothe the Mind.
I will mention some of the most common formulas in Chinese medicine and their energetic indication.
Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan
To nourish yin and blood, and tonify the heart to calm the mind. The herbal formula is used for insomnia, palpitations, mental weakness, forgetfulness, dry throat and mouth, difficulty focusing, nocturnal emissions, constipation and oral ulceration.
Suan Zao Ren Tang
Cases of emotional disturbances, phobias, depressive crises, insomnia, liver blood deficiency, yin deficiency with yang exacerbation, deficiency (false) dryness of Qi and blood.
Tongue pale or thin and thin with a slightly yellow and dry coating. Tense, thin wrist.
Action: It nourishes the liver blood, harmonizes the mind and eliminates heat.
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Cases of anxiety, chest tightness, delirium, tremors, convulsions, insomnia, palpitations, fatigue, tinnitus, hearing loss, irritability, panic syndrome, retained heat between Shao Yang and Yang Ming, mood disorders (sadness, grief, depression, etc.) and liver/gallbladder wind-mucosity rise.
Tongue slightly pale or dark red with a yellow coating.
Tense or fast or slippery pulse.
Gan Mai Da Zao
Zang Zao Disorder: Distraction, frequent feelings of extreme sadness like crying, inability to control emotions, restless sleep, abnormal speech or behavior, disorientation and frequent yawning.
Red tongue body with little coating.
Action: It nourishes the heart and calms the Shen (spirit), harmonizes the middle burner and relieves acute conditions, tonifies spleen Qi.
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Cases of high blood pressure, headache, migraine, headache, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, limb paresthesia, exacerbation of liver yang, conversion of liver yang to wind, accompanied by not very evident yin deficiency.
Red tongue with yellow coating. Tense pulse.
Action: Purifies heat, harmonizes the liver and eliminates the wind.
Xiao Yao San
Anemia and stagnant qi in liver and spleen, regulate menstruation and blood circulation. For irregular menstruation, headache, dry throat and mouth, breast enlargement with pain, alternating cold and heat, uterine bleeding, leukorrhea, menopause, irritability, fatigue and PMS.
Action: Harmonizes the energies of the liver and spleen, relieves stagnant energy, restores the blood, relieves states of anxiety and depression (digestive) and regulates menstruation.
Wen Dan Tang
In a recent study, Wen Dan Tang was used to treat generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and its effect was compared to fluoxetine treatment, but with no side effects.
Famous Chinese herbal medicine that is used for anxiety disorders or insomnia caused by heat phlegm.
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
Tones yin and blood, invigorates kidney and liver, promotes refreshing action, nourishes Qi, improves eyesight, disperses wind, eliminates heat, silks fire and toxins, tonifies kidney and liver.
You Gui Wan
Warms the kidney, invigorates the yang, tones and nourishes the vital essence and blood.
It is a well regarded Chinese herbal formula invented 400 years ago. It is widely used as a herbal remedy for impotence, male infertility, osteoporosis and depression.
"It's a product description, not advertising. Always consult a Chinese herbalist."
1.Never buy medication without guidance from a qualified professional.
2. Images for illustrative purposes only.
3.People with hypersensitivity to the substance should not use the product.
4. In case of hypersensitivity to the product, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult the herbalist.
5.Do not use the product after the expiration date.
6.Keep at room temperature (15 to 30ºC). Protect from light, heat and humidity. Under these conditions, the product will remain suitable for consumption, respecting the expiration date indicated on the package.
7. All medication must be kept out of reach of children.
8.This product should not be used by pregnant women without the guidance of a herbalist.
9.Although there are no contraindications related to age groups, we recommend the use of the product for adult patients.
10.Follow the way to use correctly. If the symptoms do not disappear, seek advice from the herbalist.
11.Using the product during the breastfeeding period is also not recommended.