Chiropractic is an area where the physical therapy physiotherapist learns to evaluate his patient as a whole, evaluating pain and dysfunction of movement detecting anatomical abnormalities and testing structural tissues.
It carries out a treatment program directly related to the findings of the evaluation fulfilling its objective. The cHIROPRACTIC it is not just a specialty for the use of passive mobilization techniques, CHIROPRACTICS use numerous techniques and procedures such as soft tissue massage, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, electrotherapy, ergonomic analysis, exercises to improve strength, coordination, flexibility, segmental stabilization, manipulation of high speed, joint mobilization and neural mobilization.
Identify and correct movement disorders in spinal joints, upper limbs and lower limbs.
Understand the relationship between changes in normal movement and poor function of joint components, nervous system and circulatory system.
Assess and correct postural and biomechanical imbalances through manipulative techniques, tissue mobilization techniques and stretching postures.
Apply manipulative physiotherapy concepts to all types of musculoskeletal, rheumatologic, orthopedic, traumatologic pain complaints.
Service by appointment
Emergency Room SP
WhatsApp (19) 98224-2694
Dr Paulo Costa