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 Number of points: 11  

  Coupled: Spleen Meridian  

  Nature: Metal yin  

  Climate: Dryness  

  Color white  

  Taste: Spicy  

  Movement: Contraction  

  Healing Sound: Tss  

​  Mother earth  

  Son: water  

  Emotion: Sadness  

  Attribute: Courage  


  Excess: 03  -  05  Disability: 15  -  17 


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P1 zhongfu

central palace

Function: mo point, meeting with the  spleen, entry point

Location: inferior to the coracoid process of the scapula

Teqi: distension and pain that can radiate to the arm, trunk and neck 

Note: clear lungs

P1 zhonfu

P2  yunmen

in the high cloud


Location: superior to the coracoid process of the scapula

Teqi: distension and pain that may radiate to the hands 

Note: reconnection with interior light

P2 yunmen

P3  tianfu

sky palace

Function: sky window

Location: 1 cun below the deltoid line behind the biceps mm

Teqi: pain and paraesthesia that can radiate to neck and arm 

Note: opens Spirit and ancestral energy

P3 tianfu

P4  xiabai

pressing the white


Location: 1 cun above midpoint between axillary and ulnar line

Teqi: pain and distension that can radiate to the  arm 

Note: self cleansing and revitalization

P4 xiabai

P5  chize

one foot swamp

Function: sea point, sedation 

Location: on the cubital line lateral to the biceps tendon

Teqi: pain, paresthesia or shock in the forearm and base of the thumb 

Note: removes lung heat and potent when treating tennis elbow

P5 chize

P6  Kongzui

maximum opening

Function: slit Xi 

Location: midpoint between the cubital line (P5) and the wrist (P9)

Teqi: local pain and distension 

Note: key point for hemorrhoids, acute pain and hemorrhage over the lung and lung pathway

P6 kongzui

P7  lieque

river fissure

Function: connection, opening Conception vessel, command point 

Location: below the styloid process on the side of the radius  ​

teqi: pain or  tingling that radiates to the thumb or elbow 

Note: best point to lower lung energy

P7 lieque

P8  jingqu

channel gutter

Function: river point, metal 

Location: medial to the styloid process   ​

Teqi: local tingling 

Note: deep cleanse of poisons, clears hyperactive liver toxicity

P8 jingqu

P9  taiyuan

supreme abyss

Function: source, earth, mother

Location: line from the wrist medial to the  tendon of the abductor thumb mm 

Teqi: local pain and distension 

Note: more powerful qi activator, therefore invigorates the blood

P9 taiyuan

P10  yuji

fish line 

Function: fire point

Location: in the thenar region, midway between light and dark line 

Teqi: local pain and distension 

Note: lightens lung heat

P10 yuji

P11  shaoshang

little merchant 

Function: spring, wood point, one of 13 ghost points

Location: nail bed of the thumb nail on the lateral side 

Teqi: mild pain at the site 

Note: removes heat from the lung canal, treats child (+7 years) with tonsillitis and fever

P11 shaoshang
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