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   To fully enjoy the benefits of any medicinal plant, the first rule is to be sure of what you are getting. Many medicinal plants are similar (appearance of leaves, for example) to plants that have no effect. In addition, the handling of the plant to the point of sale must be well controlled and carried out within quality criteria, since the drying and milling stages of the plant, as they involve heating, can reduce or even eliminate the expected beneficial effect .

   As for the preparation, it is important to clarify that there are two basic modes: infusion and decoction. In the infusion, the water is heated to the boiling point (when bubbles begin to form at the bottom of the kettle), then the hot water is poured over the plant and the mixture is left to rest for a few minutes, preferably covered. This technique is generally applied to the preparation of teas made from leaves, flowers and ground fruits and preserves the essential oil.

   In the decoction, the parts of the plant are boiled together with water for a few minutes. This technique is generally applied to the preparation of teas from the bark, roots or pieces of stem, which, as they are harder, require a more rigorous method for extracting the beneficial compounds present in the plant into water. To obtain the expected effect, it is necessary to follow the indicated way of preparing the chosen tea.

   Always consult a prescriber to guide you on what to do.  best herb or formula for your case, dosage and consumption time.


  Chinese medicine  

Chinese Name: Xi Yang Cai (Herba Nasturtii) - Juice 10 ml

Category: Herbs That Tone the Blood


  Bitter taste   Temperature: Warm   Meridians: Stomach and Gross Int.     Dosage: Juice 10 ml Tincture 4-6 ml


              Action                                          Recommendation

nourishes the blood and the jing                 | Blood deficiency: anemia, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, diabetes

                                      | Deficiency  intestinal  : osteoporosis, pituitary, thyroid deficiency  

                                      | pancreatic,  weakness, depression, forgetfulness, memory loss


Stimulates digestion, stimulates the gallbladder   | Stagnant Qi of the Stomach and Stomach

biliary, eliminates the accumulation, resolves the     | Spleen Moisture

moisture-phlegm, relieves fullness and      | parasites

kill the parasites

Promotes urination, resolves toxicity,   | Toxic heat: chronic skin rash, prostatitis, vaginal itching,      cleanses the skin and smoothes the hardness             |  rheumatism, eczema, scurvy

                                       | Urinary and bilateral stones

                                       | lymphadenitis

Solves phlegm, promotes              | Phlegm-dampness that invades the lungs: cough with white sputum 

expectoration, opens the nasal passages   | profuse, wheezing, chronic bronchitis, sinus congestion

and stop the cough

Promotes lactation                      | scarce breast milk


  • Use with caution during pregnancy.

  • Do not take longer than eight straight days without interruption to avoid bladder irritation.


  1. This herb restores the endocrine, nervous and immune systems and boosts immunity.

  2. It regulates metabolism, generates growth and relieves fatigue.

  3. It relieves irritation and removes lymph congestion.

  4. This herb draws all the toxins onto itself and transforms them.

Agrião MTC


   Brazilian Medicine

   Vegetable with a slightly bitter flavor and very popular on the Brazilian table. Watercress is an excellent anti-inflammatory of the respiratory tract, very indicated in chronic bronchitis. It also acts against a very modern evil: nicotine - although, of course, no plant erases its damage once and for all.

Scientific name:
  Nasturtium officinalis

Popular Names: Watercress, Watercress, River Cress

Medicinal purposes: Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, can be used to treat thrush, gingivitis, acne and eczema, helps improve digestion and treat cough.

How to use:
  The simple digestion of watercress releases expectorant substances that help clean the airways. It can be consumed in salads, shaken in juices or taken in teas (1 tablespoon of dried leaves to a cup of tea of boiling water, three times a day)

  As it is abortifacient, the watercress infusion should not be consumed by pregnant women. In addition, excess usually irritates the stomach lining and urinary tract. It should not be taken by anyone who has ulcers and inflammatory kidney diseases



Brazilian Medicine

    Since antiquity, the plant was used in immersion baths by the Greeks and Romans. That's probably because its flowers have a delicate calming scent. Its essential oil carries over 150 compounds that account for its good effects, ranging from fighting insomnia to lack of appetite. It is now known that lavender is also effective against cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder common in women.

Scientific name:
  Lavandula spp

Popular Names: Lavender, Lavender

Medicinal purposes: Its leaves are used in remedies against conjunctivitis and the flowers work against cough, bronchitis, burns and migraine.

How to use:
  Mix 100 milliliters of almond oil with 40 drops of lavender essence. Use this oil to massage your body - a good idea is to apply it before bed.

  In excess, lavender tea is very irritating to the stomach. And there are people with allergies to its essential oil. More: the plant should not be confused with lavender-do-brasil or yerba.



  Chinese medicine  

Chinese Name: Gan Cao  (Radix Glycyrrhizae) - Dosage 1.5  - 14 g (max 30 g)  

Category: Herbs That Tone Qi


  Sweet taste   Temperature: neutral (raw) - hot (dry)   Meridians: All 12 channels and Yang Wei    

  Dosage: 1.5 - 14 g maximum 35 g   Tincture 1 - 4 ml  


              Action                                          Recommendation

Tones the Spleen and Enlarges  Qi              | Spleen qi deficiency with shortness of breath, lassitude and loose stools

                                        | Qi and blood deficiency with irregular pulse and/or palpitations

                                        | Illness  of heart qi or heart yang deficiency

moistens  the lungs, resolves phlegm and cough      | Lung Heat or Cold

                                                   | Productive or non-productive cough

Moderates spasms and high pain                | Painful muscle spasms in the abdomen and legs

Clears heat and symptoms. fire toxicity   | Raw root for toxic heat with sore throat or carbuncles and sores  

Antidote to many toxic substances             | Poisoning

(internal and topical)

Moderates and harmonizes rough properties

of other herbs and guides the herbs for everyone

the twelve channels


  • Contraindicated in those with excess moisture with nausea, vomiting and abdominal fullness.

  • Contraindicated in those who frequently drink wine.

  • Contraindicated in those who have hypertension, edema, hyperglycemic conditions, osteoporosis and general excess secretion.

  • Large doses (more than 35 g over a period of one week) can create a sodium/potassium imbalance in the blood creating edema and heart palpitations.


  • This herb may alter the therapeutic effects of corticosteroids.  such as cortisone, prednisone (Orasone), dexamethasone (Decadron), hydrocortisone (Cortef) and metoprednisolone (Medrol).

  • Use with caution with cardioglycosides such as digoxin (Lanoxin).

  • This herb speeds up the metabolism of drugs such as chloral hydrate, urethane, cocaine, picrotoxin, caffeine, pilocarpine, nicotine and barbiturates and treats overdose of these agents.


  1. Improves digestion.

  2. It has anti-aging properties.

  3. Prevents drying of membranes.

  4. Occurs in about 2/3 of all formulas.  It has an ascending and descending nature.

  5. Treats internal and external illnesses.

  6. Sensitize the organs to the effects of other herbs.

  7. This herb inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

  8. This herb tones in mediating formulas, clears fever in cooling formulas, dissipates muscle pathogens in diaphoretic formulas, and nourishes Blood and expels toxins in relaxing formulas.

  9. To the  syndrome of  wei  (atrophy), use  Gan Cao  by myself.

  10. For uncomplicated wounds, use alone topically.

  11. For erysipelas, use alone in a topical decoction.

  12. For red lesions, with eczema and itching, use alone as a topical decoction.

  13. For a mild sore throat, use alone.

  14. When extremely hot or extremely cold herbs are used, this herb should be added to measure the intensity.

  15. When hot and cold herbs are used in the same formula, this herb should be included to harmonize properties.

  16. For beef food poisoning, use alone as a decoction.

  17. It neutralizes Rx toxicity.  Aconiti Lateralis Preparata  Zhi Fu Zi  .

  18. He controls the warm property of Rz.  Zingiberis  Gan Jiang  to avoid damage to the  Yin.

  19. Prevents the cold properties of Gypsum Fibrosum  Shi Gao  and Rx.  Anemarrhena  Zhi Mu  of damaging the stomach.

  20. Reduces the initial peak effect of Rx.  and Rz.  rhei  Da Huang  and Natrii Sulfas  Mang Xiao  and prolongs the total duration of its effects.

  21. Reduces the initial peak effect of Rz.  Atractylodis Macrocephalae,  Bai Zhu  ,  Rx  Codonopsis  Dang Shen  ,Rx.  Rehmanniae  Shu Di Huang  ,  and Rx.  Angelicae Sinensis  Dang Gui  ,  and prolongs its overall effects.

  22. Both  Gan Cao  and maltose  Yi Tang  tone the  Qi  from the east  Jiao,  moderate urgency and relieve pain.  Gan Cao  resolves toxicity but does not nourish Blood.  It moistens the lungs to stop the cough, but it has less fluid-generating capacity than  Yi Tang,  it generates fluid especially in the lungs, relieves thirst and feeds the blood.

  23. Dry-fried licorice  Chao Gan Chao  increased heating capacity.  Dry frying with bran increases the ability to harmonize the Stomach.

  24. Liquorice prepared for honey  Mi Zhi Gan Cao  increased ability to tone the environment, enlarge the heart and spleen, and harmonize the properties of other herbs.

  25. Licorice Tips  Gan Cao Shao  they are legal in nature, drain fire and resolve toxicity.  They excel in treating Damp-Heat Spilling down the Bladder and causing urethral pain.

  26. This increases adrenal and pancreatic weaknesses, especially in those with functional blood sugar deficiency.

  27. The power of Rx.  Glycyrrhizae  Gan Cao Fen  is considered higher quality than normal Rx.  Glycyrrhizae  Gan Cao.

Alcaçuz MTC


Brazilian Medicine    

    Strongly sweet plant known for over three thousand years in Europe and Asia. With its flavor about 15 times sweeter than sugarcane, it has been used for millennia both to combat that itchy throat that accompanies a coughing fit and for its effects against gastric ulcers.

Scientific name:
  Glycyrrhiza glabra

Popular Names: European Licorice, Sweet Wood, Licorice, Sweet Root

Medicinal purposes: It is used against lung problems, such as coughs, as it is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. To complete, research suggests its application in cases of allergic reactions, bronchitis and arthritis.

How to use:
  Use 3 grams (1 ½ tablespoon) of dried licorice root, cut into small pieces. Heat water to 1 cup of tea. Turn off the heat before it reaches a boil. Leave the root in water for 15 minutes. Make this decoction twice a day and drink it before meals.

  The maximum dose of licorice is 6 g a day - or there is a risk that your blood pressure will rise. The species is prohibited for those who have heart problems, are hypertensive or pregnant.



Brazilian Medicine    

    In ancient Greece, he was herb for all work. From cosmetics to incense, passing through crown decoration. Rich in essential oils such as limonene and camphor, its most common medicinal use today is in compresses to relieve bruises and bruises. It reduces pain caused by rheumatic and joint diseases.

Scientific name:
  Rosmarinus officinalis

Popular Names: Rosemary, Garden Rosemary, Sweet Rosemary, Rosemary, Grasshopper, Lebanotis

Medicinal purposes: There are indications that its active ingredients would combat migraines, for memory lapses and low immunity, reduce rheumatic and joint pain.

How to use: Dilute 1 teaspoon of rosemary essential oil in 1 cup of olive oil. Then rub the oil into the painful area with gentle massage.

  In sensitive people, it can irritate the skin when used topically. Its oil should never be swallowed and, in high dosages, it is abortifacient. Anyone who is epileptic cannot use the herb, especially in the diffuser.



Brazilian Medicine    

    Garlic is a shot-and-fall against high cholesterol, acts as an expectorant and antiseptic, and is also capable of boosting immunity and alleviating circulatory problems. It's packed with vitamins like A, B1, B2 and C, plus minerals like sulfur and iodine. When the bulb is crushed, one of its compounds, the amino acid aliin, ends up resulting in the production of allicin, a substance that gives the characteristic smell and which, it is believed, is one of the main responsible for its propagated powers.

Scientific name:
  Allium sativum

Popular Names: Garlic, Garlic, Leek

Medicinal purposes: Recent research suggests an anticancer potential, provided it is always consumed raw.

How to use:
  To control cholesterol and help with sputum, make a maceration with 1 coffee spoon (0.5 g) of garlic in 30 ml of water. Take 1 cup of this preparation twice a day, before meals.

  There are people who can be allergic to garlic. It should also not be used by anyone suffering from gastritis, ulcers, low blood pressure or hypoglycaemia. If you are going to have surgery, do not use it within the previous ten days as this would favor unwanted bleeding. For the same reason, it is not suitable for those who already use anticoagulants.



Brazilian Medicine    

    It is rare to find those who have never heard of the famous arnica ointment to treat a wound, especially those that leave beautiful bruises. The fame dates back to the times of our grandmothers and has already gained scientific proof: arnica really works as a holy medicine in these cases. Who is responsible for its benefits is a substance called quercetin, responsible for increasing the resistance of vessels and blood supply. That's why the clot is being removed, erasing the bruise. Inolin, a component that is paired with quercetin, relieves pain.

Scientific name:
  Arnica Montana

Popular Names: Arnica

Medicinal Purposes: It is also used to treat skin conditions such as acne and furunculosis. And it helps relieve rheumatic pain, gout and tendonitis.

How to use:
  To treat bruises, make the following tincture, which can last up to a year if stored correctly: respect the proportion of 1 part fresh arnica, 5 parts grain alcohol (available in pharmacies) and 5 parts water. Chop the plant and mix it with the other ingredients. Let it sit for at least 15 days before using. It must be diluted to 10% for use in compresses.

  The plant has toxic compounds and, therefore, its dye should not be ingested at all, nor are teas made with its leaves and flowers. It cannot be applied to open wounds either. Its side effects include vomiting, increased blood pressure and miscarriage. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women cannot use it. In addition, arnica potentiates bleeding, especially if the person takes anticoagulant drugs. Never use it with other herbs: the mixture may alter platelet function. For the same reason, it is not suitable for those who already use anticoagulants.

Babosa MTC


  Chinese medicine  

Chinese Name: Lu Hui (Aloe Vera) - Dosage: Pill or Capsule  0.6 - 4.5 g - do not decoct - Dye 0.2 - 1 ml - Whole leaf decoction 10 - 15 g

Category: Downward Draining Herbs -  purgatives


  Bitter taste   Temperature: cold     Meridians: Stomach, Liver and Large Intestine   

  Dosage: pill or  capsule 0.6 - 4.5 g - do not decoct - Tincture: 0.2 - 1 mg - Whole leaf decoction 10 - 15 g


              Action                                          Recommendation

Purge and drain fire and accumulations          | Accumulation of heat with constipation, dizziness, red eyes  and                                             | irritability (especially for hot constipation with fire of the                                              | heart and liver with irritability, restlessness and insomnia)

                                           | chronic constipation


Clears heat and cools the liver                  | Heat in liver or liver channel with fire with discomfort

                                           | epigastric, dizziness, headache, irritability, tinnitus,

                                           | constipation and fever

Kills parasites and strengthens the stomach          | Infant nutritional insufficiency, especially when due to

                                            | roundworm

                                           |  T INEA (chilblains)


  • Contraindicated during pregnancy.

  • Be careful during lactation.

  • Contraindicated during menstruation or uterine bleeding.

  • Contraindicated for those with rectal bleeding or hemorrhoids.

  • Contraindicated for children.

  • Contraindicated for those with cold due to spleen and stomach deficiency.

  • Contraindicated for those with anorexia.

  • Contraindicated for those with diarrhea.

  • Contraindicated for those with Stasis in the pelvis.

  • The purging action may be accompanied by abdominal pain and blood.

  • In severe cases it can cause nephritis.


  1. This herb can be used whenever an illness involves the liver and there is heat.

  2. Some sources say that this herb has a sedative effect.

  3. It is excreted through breast milk and can act as a purgative for an infant.

  4. This herb can be used to treat an overdose of Fr.  Crotonis  Ba Dou  .

  5. For hepatitis, use a small dose of this as a guide herb, along with others that clear moist heat from the liver, such as Rx.  bupleuri  Chai Hu  or Rx.  scutellariae  Huang Qin  .

  6. So much  Lu Hui  how much Fol.  sennae  Fan Xie You  it is bitter, cold, drains heat and relieves constipation from accumulated heat that dries up the Intestines.  Lu Hui  it cools the liver, kills parasites and is suitable for heat related constipation of the liver or abdominal parasites.  Fan Xie Ye  it drains down and mobilizes water, and can be used for ascites.  A small dose strengthens the spleen and dissolves food stagnation.  Excessive use of both herbs can cause painful diarrhea.



Brazilian Medicine    

    The famous Aloe vera enters the composition of various shampoos and creams made with the white pulp of its leaves. All thanks to a pair of active ingredients, aloeferon and anthraquinone. While the first acts on cell multiplication and accelerates healing, the other works as an antiseptic. In some cases, it is precisely this property that prevents hair loss. It also helps in wound healing.

Scientific name:
  aloe vera

Popular Names: Aloe

Medicinal purposes: Aloe vera has also been used to combat dandruff, lice and nits. There are tests on its effects in the treatment of inflammation and burns.

How to use:
  Rub cooked aloe leaves into the scalp. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse. Another option is to cut the leaves at the base, letting the goo juice drain away. Then pass it on the wires. And know: it only lasts 2 days in the fridge

  Aloe should never be eaten. It has resins that irritate the stomach and intestine and can cause cramps, bleeding and nephritis. Also, it appears to be liver toxic.


 Chilean Bilberry

Brazilian Medicine    

   Boldine, the main component of the plant, stimulates the secretion of bile, a substance produced by the liver that acts to break down fat. Therefore, the herb improves digestion and, indirectly, liver functions. However, its leaves cannot be heated for a long time. If the idea  is to give a boost to digestion, prefer to beat them with a glass of water and drink at the same time. Curiosity: in Chile, the fruit of this species is also consumed as food. And here, be careful: don't confuse the species with a very Brazilian version easily found in vegetable gardens and gardens, the so-called false-boldo (Plectranthus barbatus).

Scientific name:  peumus boldus

Popular Names: Chilean Boldo, Real Boldo

Medicinal purposes: Boldo-do-chile also acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins, substances involved in the process of inflammation.

how to use: To prevent gall stones put in 1 cup of boiling water, put 1 tablespoon of chopped leaves. Smother it for 10 minutes and drink without wasting time.

Attention!  No use of the boldo-do-chile left and right. Take it only in isolated cases of malaise because the excess, instead of doing you good, causes liver poisoning. The plant is also prohibited for pregnant women and people with asthma, kidney disorders and liver problems.



Brazilian Medicine    

   With a bitter taste and a soft perfume, the famous Mal-me-quer is a good healing agent. Soldiers of the American Civil War, in the 19th century, used the plant to treat wounds in combatants. Today its benefits to the skin are well known and it is widely used in the cosmetic industry. The tincture alleviates trauma symptoms and calendula-based ointments and compresses help treat boils and varicose veins. Its effects do not stop there: it also serves to regulate menstruation and ease cramps. 

Scientific name:
  calendula officinalis

Popular names: Mal-me-quer, golden daisy, garden wonder

Medicinal purposes: It is used to treat fungus, acne and bed sores, helps to prevent diaper rash in children and can relieve mild burns, including sunburn.

How to use:
  For menstrual cramps, put in 1 teacup of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers. Squelch for 10 minutes and strain. Take 2 cups of the preparation daily for the eight days before menstruation. Take it only in isolated cases of malaise because the excess, instead of doing you good, causes liver poisoning. The plant is also prohibited for pregnant women and people with asthma, kidney disorders and liver problems.

Camélia MTC


  Chinese medicine  

Chinese Name: Lu Cha (Cha Ye) - (Folium Camelliae Sinensis) - Dosage: 3 to 12 g

Category: Herbs that Eliminate Heat and Purge Fire


  Taste: Bitter and Sweet  Temperature: cold     Meridians: Stomach, Heart and Lung   Dosage: 3 to 12 g


              Action                                              Recommendation

Harmonizes the stomach, lowers the rebellious qi of the stomach   |  Nausea, vomiting, indigestion and diarrhea

and relieves diarrhea                                        | Dysentery and Malaria

disperses moisture                                     | Obesity

clears head and eyesight                                 |  Headache

                                                      |  Prevents the nature of drying, scattering and rising

                                                      | of diaphoretic herbs to harm the body

Soothes agitation and excessive thirst                       | thirst with eagerness and agitation

Removes stagnant foods, promotes diuresis           | stagnant phlegm

and remove the toxin  


  • Use with caution for those with  Stomach Qi deficiency.

Interactions with herbs or drugs:

  • The caffeine in  Lu Cha  it can be potentiated when given together with oral contraceptives and cimetedine.

  • The combination of caffeine with theophylline and ephedrine can lead to increased thermogenesis, weight loss, restlessness, tremors and insomnia.

  • Combining excessive amounts of caffeine and monoamine oxidase (MAOI) inhibitors such as phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Parnate) and isocarboxazide (Marplan) can cause a hypertensive crisis.

  • This herb can reverse MRSA and PRSA and can lower the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of oxacillin and other beta-lactams in MRSA.


  1. This herb can be used as a drink for slimming purposes.  This helps to dissipate moisture build-ups in the Intestines.

  2. This herb can cause irritation when taken to excess.  Fermented or processed teas, such as black or oolong tea, are more delicate than green tea.

  3. This herb contains caffeine.



Brazilian Medicine    

    The plant  Camellia sinensis  it's little known by its scientific name, but you've certainly heard of white tea, green tea, black tea, or Oolong tea, right? They all have one thing in common: they are derived from the same plant. Widely used for slimming, these teas are popular mainly in oriental culture, being known worldwide for their slimming and health-enhancing properties.

    The difference between them is in the way they are produced, with Indian and Chinese techniques with greater or lesser oxidation of the leaves, or even, in the case of white tea, the material with which it is made – this one with the buds and flowers.

Medicinal properties and benefits

    The plant can be used as a powerful astringent, analgesic, anti-asthmatic, antibacterial, antioxidant, digestive, diuretic, stimulant, as well as helping to control diarrhea, reducing caries and toothaches, eliminating fat, being very used for those looking for weight loss. It can also be used to aid digestion, reduce bad cholesterol levels, dilate the bronchi and help in cases of colds and flu.

   Much studied by scientists, the plant has an excellent composition. It is rich in compounds such as catechins, bioflavonoids and tannins, making it act as an excellent antioxidant – which makes it a great fighter against free radicals, responsible for the formation of tumors and premature aging of the skin. It is also rich in magnesium, potassium, folic acid, vitamins C, K, B1 and B2 – essential for the proper functioning of the human body.


    Every medication, even if natural, should only be used with medical advice. In the case of  Camellia sinensis, pregnant patients, children and patients who have stomach, heart, kidney problems or hyperthyroidism should not consume the plant. If there is consumption, do it only with medical supervision.

The plant, when consumed in excess, can reduce appetite, cause constipation or diarrhea, depending on the body.



Brazilian Medicine    

   One of the most popularly used plants, it is guaranteed to be present in most kettles. So much so that it is one of the safest teas. The herb is widely used to calm cramps and as an anti-inflammatory, thanks to camazulene, an essential oil with anti-inflammatory properties. Its flowers are filled with emollient substances, which help keep the skin hydrated. Therefore, chamomile is widely used in the cosmetics industry in soaps, colognes and shampoos.

Scientific name:
  Chamomilla feverfew

Popular Names: Chamomile-Common, Chamomile-Common

Medicinal purposes: It is used as a digestive tonic, facilitates the elimination of gas and stimulates appetite. The concentrated infusion can be used in mouthwash to treat inflammation of the gums. It also relieves muscle, back and sciatica pain.

How to use:
  To relieve skin irritations use 6 tablespoons of fresh chamomile flowers to prepare an infusion with 1 liter of water. Apply the liquid in compresses to the affected area. 

  Some people are allergic to the herb. And the excess can always cause discomfort, nausea and vomiting. It should be avoided by pregnant women and those taking anticoagulant drugs

Canela - Galho MTC

 Cinnamon - Branch

  Chinese medicine  

Chinese Name: Gui Zhi  (Ramulus Cinnamomi)

Dosage: External conditions: 3-10 g  / Painful obstruction: 9-15 g / Tincture: 1-3 ml

Category: Herbs that  release  the outside - superficial

Hot and Acronic Herbs  that release the outside (cold wind diaphoretics)


  Taste: Acre  it is sweet      Temperature: warm      Meridians: Heart,  Lung and Bladder (Liver and Kidney)

  Dosage: External conditions: 3-10 g  / Painful obstruction: 9-15 g / Tincture: 1-3 ml


              Action                                              Recommendation

Frees the Exterior, helps  Yang,  a fit  O                | Cold wind

Ying (organ energy) and  Wei (defensive energy)         | Stage Tai Yang Zhong Feng - Weak person who captures and releases the muscle layer                                | cold easily

Accelerates channels and collaterals to relieve pain             | Bi wind-wet-cold syndrome


Unblock  Yang  and transforms  Qi  and thin mucus            |  Edema due to cold Phlegm  or  Deficiency of Yang Qi  

                                                     | with urinary dysfunction, dizziness and palpitations

Helps the Yang of the Heart  and warms and facilitates              |  Palpitations due to  obstruction of  Yang  in the chest

the flow of  Yang Qi  in the chest                              |  due to stagnation or deficiency

                                                     | Yang  without  grass  with rising phlegm

                                                     | and thin mucus and disordered offspring of

                                                     | Lung Qi with shortness of breath, chest and back pain and

                                                     | palpitations

                                                     |  Deficiency of the  heart and spleen of  Yang

Speeds up and facilitates the flow of  Qi  through the channels          | Bi wind-humidity-cold syndrome

and collaterals and Blood through the vessels               |  Scarcity  of the blood due to the cold, causing

                                                    | amenorrhea  or dysmenorrhea  with or without pasta

                                                    | abdominals

Accelerates the medium and directs the cloudy Yin  down             |  Medium heater deficiency

                                                    |  Deficient heart and spleen yang  (the patient

                                                    | usually crave sweets)


  • Contraindicated for those with hot febrile illnesses.

  • Contraindicated for those with  deficiency of  yin  with signs of heat.

  • Contraindicated for those with blood heat with vomiting.

  • Caution during pregnancy or heavy menstruation (6 g or less - Fries and dry).

Interactions with herbs or drugs:

  • Concomitant use with diuretics such as chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, furmoside (Lasix), bumetinide (Bumex) and torsemide (Demadex) may lead to greater elimination of water and/or electrolytes.


  1. It is used in most cold wind conditions.

  2. It is often used to provide a warming balance in cooling formulas.

  3. It is often used in formulas to treat chronic pain.

  4. In general, it has six therapeutic routes: harmonizing the  Ying.  unlocking the  Yang  , promoting urination, driving  Qi  down, promoting movement and toning the middle.

  5. This herb is said to increase white blood cells.

  6. Protects against harmful effects of radiation.

  7. So much  Gui Zhi  how much Ram.  Mori  Sang Zhi  unlocks the collaterals.  Gui Zhi  it's acrid and hot and therefore more suitable for Cold  Bi,  and has a broader range of action than  Sang Zhi,  which expels wind and eliminates moisture.  It is somewhat cooling and therefore is superior in treating heat and dampness from wind or when itching is a prominent symptom.

  8. Cinnamon Branch Tips  Gui Zhi Shao / Jian  have a greater ability to unblock blood vessels and disperse cold wind.

  9. cinnamon branch  Gui Zhi Mu  they are mobilizing the outside, releasing the muscle layer and inducing sweating, but they are stronger in warming the channels and unblocking the collaterals.

  10. Dry Fried Cinnamon Twigs  Chao Gui Zhi  they have a sharper, more dispersed academic action, but they have increased warming and exhaling properties and are useful in treating older or weaker patients.

  11. Prepared / Honey prepared Cinnamon branches  Zhi Gui Zi / Mi Zhi Gui Zhi  have a  action  increased from  toning of  Yang  with a reduced acrid dispersal action and are used​​ to tone the  Jiao  medium  .

Canela - Casca MTC

 Cinnamon - Bark

  Chinese medicine  

Chinese Name: Rou Gui  - (Cinnamomi Cortex)

Dosage: 1.5 - 5 g add near the end  Powder: 1-2 g   Tincture: 0.25 - 2 ml

Category: Herbs that warm the interior and expel the cold


Taste: Bitter and Sweet  Temperature: very hot   Meridians: Heart, Liver, Kidney, Spleen (and Gallbladder)

Dosage: 1, 5 - 5 g add near the end  Powder: 1-2 g   Tincture: 0.25 - 2 ml


              Action                                              Recommendation

Warms the kidneys, spleen and heart and strengthens Yang            | Deficiency of Kidney Yang and Fire of the   Ming Men  

                                                     | with aversion to cold, cold limbs, weak back,

                                                     | impotence and urinary frequency


                                                     | Yang of Spleen and Kidney  deficient with abdominal pain and cold,

                                                     | decreased appetite and  diarrhea


                                                     | Kidney qi blocked

                                                     |  Deficient heart yang, particularly

                                                     | with the chest  Bi

It disperses the deep cold,  arm the channels, unlock      |  Upstream of  Yang  deficient  (false heat, cold 

the channels and vessels and relieves the  pain                        |  true or heat above and cold below) with face

                                                     | flushed, wheezing, severe sweating (sweat pours out like

                                                     | oil), weak and cold lower extremities and a pulse

|                                                     | deficient and rootless

                                                     | Any condition with Heat in the upper body (mouth

                                                     |  dryness, sore throat or teeth that are worse during

                                                     | night) and Cold in the lower body (low back pain, extremities

                                                     | cold inferiors, diarrhea  and weakness in the proximal portion of the

                                                     | pulse)

Assists in the generation of  Qi  and blood                       | Helps in chronic qi and blood deficiency


  • Contraindicated for those with  deficiency of  yin  with signs of heat.

  • Contraindicated for those with Excess internal heat.

  • Contraindicated for those with reckless Hot Blood movement.

  • Contraindicated for those with a cough with a sore throat.

  • Contraindicated for those with blood deficiency with internal dryness.

  • Contraindicated for those with Blood Heat after childbirth.

  • Be careful during pregnancy.


  1. Its nature includes a descending action, meaning it can take Rigids Kidney back to its source.

  2. This is the main herb for the treatment of Deficient ascending fluctuation.  Yang  .

  3. It is rarely decoded due to the loss of volatile oils during decoction.

  4. It is non-toxic, but a large overdose can cause respiratory changes, dilation of blood vessels in the ear and seizures.

  5. It is one of the hottest of Chinese herbs.

  6. Can be used alone for epigastric and abdominal coldness and pain.

  7. It opens channels in the abdomen.

  8. This herb is Rx.  Aconiti Preparata Lateralis  Zhi Fu Zi  warms and tones the  Ming Men  Fire and treat the  deficiency of  Yang  Cold from the Lower  Jiao  , Nonetheless  Rou Bill  is softer and more specific for the  disorders of  Lower  Jiao  .  It is used to carry the  Ming Men  Fire back to its source, has some dispersive properties and therefore is not used for Collapse of  Yang  .

  9. Rou Bill,  Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum  Lu Rong  and Rx.  Aconiti Preparata Lateralis  Zhi Fu Zi  warms every kidney and strengthens  Yang.  Zhi Fu Zi  and  Rou Bill  are both acrid, coarse, hot and drier with a strong and quick effect of warming the Interior, expelling cold and helping to tone the interior.  Yang.  Lu Rong  it is sweet, warm, soft and moist with a gradual toning effect.  Yang  while moistening  jing  and Blood.  They all deal with  deficiency of  Yang of  kidney  ,  Nonetheless  Zhi Fu Zi  and  Rou Bill  are only suitable for Kidney  YangDeficiency with excessive internal cold and are inadequate if  jing  or Blood is deficient.  Lu Rong is not suitable for internal Cold expulsion, but it is more suitable for  Yang  disability with  Jing, Blood and marrow failure.

  10. Both  Rou Bill  they were.  Cinnamomi  Gui Zhi  is from the same factory.  Rou Bill  is the shell and  Gui Zhi  is the branch.  both hot  Ying Qi  and Blood, help to  transformation of  Qi  and disperse the cold.  Rou Bill  it's the best to warm the inside and stop the pain.  he enters the lower  Jiao  to tone the kidney to tone the  yang kidney  and restore the  Ming Men Fire.  Gui Zhi  it is best for dispersing cold pathogen outdoors, mainly moving upwards to warm and unblock channels and collaterals.

  11. The Cinnamon Officer  Guan Gui  it has less oil and is thought to be drier.  It warms the  JiaoMiddle  and dry the moisture and it's minus one  tonic  Yang  .  The dosage is 4.5-9 g.

  12. Cinnamon heart  Rou Gui Xin  it is not as dry as other types of cinnamon bark and is best used to help the  Yang  from heart  and help communication between the heart and kidneys.



Brazilian Medicine    

   The brown bark of the cinnamon trunk that became the most sought after spice in Europe in the 16th century. Widely used in cooking and even in the cosmetic industry (in perfumes and soaps),  it is also used as a medicine. Four thousand years ago, in China, it was already used to treat gastrointestinal problems and menstrual cramps. The essential oil, rich in cinnamaldehyde, also acts against various microorganisms and fungi. Furthermore, it inhibits molecules involved in the inflammatory process.

Scientific name:
  Cinnamonum verum

Popular names: Aneleira, cinnamon-da-India, cinnamon-de-ceylon, cinnamon, pau-canela

Medicinal purposes: Against gas and poor digestion.

How to use:
  Make a decoction with the dehydrated husk using 1 teaspoon for every cup of water.

  In sensitive individuals, cinnamon can trigger allergic reactions.


 Lemon grass

Brazilian Medicine    

   In Thai cuisine, this herb of Asian origin appears as a condiment. But in South America it is one of the most used plants in folk medicine, both as an analgesic and to treat gastrointestinal problems. It is still ingested as a very mild sedative. Lemongrass is also known as false lemongrass: despite being two plants with very different appearance, they end up being confused, perhaps because of the strong citrus smell of both. 

Scientific name:
  Cymbopogon citratus

Popular names: Capim-catinga, capim-cheiroso, capim-cireira, campim-de-cheiro, sidró, vervena

Medicinal purposes: Lemongrass tea is also indicated to help with stomach work, to expel gas, in addition to being slightly analgesic and anti-rheumatic.

How to use:
  To lessen anxiety, pour in 1 teacup of boiling water, pour 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh leaves. If you like, add lemon drops and sweeten with honey. 

  It is generally safe, but it should not be used in pregnancy or for abdominal pain of unknown cause.



Brazilian Medicine    

   Extremely popular in Brazil, apparently it was introduced here by African slaves. The plant is a good choice when that heavy meal goes wrong and the stomach feels like lead: it is known that its essential oils, such as carquejol, act on the liver cells increasing the production of bile. The carqueja is also full of bitter components, which also favors liver work and digestion. It also has a diuretic effect, helping to eliminate toxins. 

Scientific name: Baccharis genistelloides

Popular names: Carqueja-amargosa, amargosa, broom, bacanta, carque

Medicinal purposes: Carqueja reduces blood sugar levels and has anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in the treatment of arthritis.

How to use:
  To aid digestion, prepare a tea with 1 tablespoon of the herb for every cup of water and drink up to 3 times a day. 

  Studies do not indicate kidney or liver toxicity, but there is a risk of a drop in blood pressure. That's why it should not be used by those who have low blood pressure problems or take medication for high blood pressure. It is also contraindicated in cases of chronic diarrhea. Due to lack of conclusive studies, pregnant women should avoid it, especially in the first trimester.

"It's a product description, not advertising. Always consult a Chinese herbalist."


1.Never buy medication without guidance from a qualified professional. 

2. Images for illustrative purposes only. 
3.People with hypersensitivity to the substance should not use the product.
4. In case of hypersensitivity to the product, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult the herbalist.
5.Do not use the product after the expiration date.
6.Keep at room temperature (15 to 30ºC). Protect from light, heat and humidity. Under these conditions, the product will remain suitable for consumption, respecting the expiration date indicated on the package.
7. All medication must be kept out of reach of children.
8.This product should not be used by pregnant women without the guidance of a herbalist.
9.Although there are no contraindications related to age groups, we recommend the use of the product for adult patients.
10.Follow the way to use correctly. If the symptoms do not disappear, seek advice from the herbalist.
11.Using the product during the breastfeeding period is also not recommended.

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