Herbal medicine, literally plant therapy, has been known in China for almost 3000 years, when books were written on parchment, turtle shells and silks.
A Chinese herbal formula may include six or more plants and each one with well-defined objectives, which range from preventing unwanted side effects to directing the main agents to the site of the disease.
In Chinese herbal medicine, one does not think about healing, but about balance, as the body seeks self-healing. For this we need to destagnate some stopped energies, as in the case of PMS - which for Chinese medicine is blood stagnation and the person needs herbs, which warm and improve blood circulation, especially in that part of the body. Another positive point is the body's ability to improve its immune system with specific therapeutic formulas.
Only a Chinese herbal medicine prescriber can guide you which remedy is best for you. Training in traditional Chinese medicine is required to diagnose and prescribe Chinese master formulas.
We have a pharmacy with the main Chinese master formulas for you to leave your appointment with your medicine.