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Bach Flower Quick Guide

   We stock all Bach flower remedies for you to buy.  

   Each of the 38 remedies discovered by Dr. Bach represent and serve to balance a particular characteristic or specific emotional state. For  select the remedies you need , think about what kind of person you are and how you are feeling.  


   In doubt? Make an appointment with us.

   We work with original Bach flowers imported from England. Buy yours.

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   1) For the use of several chosen essences (maximum of 7), add 2 drops of each in a 30 ml bottle, top up with mineral water and take 4 drops at least four times a day.


   2) Dilute 2 drops (4 drops of Rescue Remedy) of the chosen essence in a glass of water (if you are taking the mother formula); take in small sips at regular intervals. Repeat as needed.

   3)  If necessary, Bach Flower drops can be administered neat, directly on the tongue or, if you prefer, pass on the lips, behind the ears, on the temples or on the wrists. Bach Flowers can be taken as often as you like. If you are feeling unwell, you can use just one dose. But if the malaise persists for some time, you can take them when necessary.


(click on the name)


  agrimony  - mental torture behind a happy face

  aspen  – fear of unknown things

  Beech  - intolerance


  centaury  – difficulty saying no

  cerato  – lack of confidence in their own decisions

  Cherry Plum   – fear of losing control

  Chestnut Bud  – inability to learn from their own mistakes

  chicory  - selfishness and possessiveness

  Clematis  – dreaming of the future without working in the present

  Crab Apple  – remedy for cleansing and for the feeling of self-rejection out of displeasure

  elm  – feeling of overload due to excessive responsibility

  Gentian  - discouraged at the first/after an annoyance

  Gorse  - despair

  heather  – over-preoccupation with self, selfish personality

  Holly  – hate, envy and jealousy

  Honeysuckle  – live in the past

  Hornbeam  - feeling tired just thinking about doing something

  Impatiens  - impatience

  Larch  - lack of confidence

  Mimulus  – fear of familiar things and shyness

  mustard  – deep sadness for no apparent reason

  oak  – for the unmoved and persistent person who advances and endures beyond the limits of their abilities

  olive  – exhaustion after mental or physical effort

  pine  - fault

  Red Chestnut   – excessive concern for the well-being of your loved ones

  rock rose   – terror and paralyzing fear

  rock water  – self-denial and rigidity repression

  Scleranthus  – difficulty in choosing between several possibilities

  Star of Bethlehem   - shock

  Sweet Chestnut   – extreme mental anguish, when all hypotheses seem exhausted and the person doesn't see light at the end of the tunnel

  Vervain  – overenthusiasm

  Vine  – excess of authority, despotism

  walnut  - protection from unwanted influences and in case of change

  water violet   – to balance reserved and distant personalities

  White Chestnut   – unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts, mental conflicts

  wild oat   – doubts about which direction to take in life

  wild rose   – feeling of drifting, apathetic and resigned

  Willow  – self-pity and resentment

  Rescue - Dr Edward Bach's Emergency Formula

"The History of Travelers"

   Once upon a time, and once upon a time, sixteen travelers began a journey through the forest.

   At first everything went well, but after a certain distance, one of them, Agrimony , started to worry and to think that they might not be on the right path. Sometime later, in the afternoon, as they were moving deeper into the shadows of the forest, Mimulus began to be afraid that they had lost their way.

   When the sun went down, the shadows lengthened and the night noises made themselves heard, and Rock Rose was terrified and panicked. In the middle of the night, when everything was dark, Gorse gave up hope and said, "I can't go on. You go on, but I'll stay here until death eases my suffering."

   On the other hand, Oak , although feeling that all was lost and that they would never see the sunlight again, said, "I will fight to the end" and spoke this impetuously.

   Scleranthus had a hope, but sometimes he suffered greatly from uncertainty and indecision, wanting first to go one way and almost another. Clematis went on quietly and patiently, worrying only a little about whether to fall asleep or leave the forest. Gentian , very happy at the start, fell into a state of despondency and depression.

   The other travelers were never afraid, they wanted to continue, and in their own way, they really wanted to help their companions.

   Heather was sure she knew the way and wanted everyone to follow. Chicory didn't mind the journey's end, but he was very solicitous, looking to see if his companions were tired or had enough food. Cerato didn't trust his own judgment very much and wanted to try every trail to make sure he wasn't wrong. The sweet little Centaury so wanted to relieve everyone's tension that he was ready to carry everyone's luggage. Unfortunately for little Centaury, he usually carried the load of those best able to bear it, because they were the ones who asked the loudest.

   Rock Water , eager to help, depressed the group a little because he criticized what he thought they were doing wrong, but he, Rock Water , knew the way. Vervain must have known the path well too, and though he was slightly confused, he continued on along the only path that led out of the forest. Impatiens also knew the way home very well, so he was impatient with those who walked more slowly. Water Violet had walked this path before and was slightly proud and a little disdainful without the others understanding why.  Water Violet thought them inferior.

   And in the end everyone made it through the forest.

   Now they work as guides for other travelers who haven't taken the trip before, because they know there is a path and because they know that the darkness of the forest is only formed by the shadows of the night. They walk like fearless heroes and each of the sixteen travelers teaches, in their own way, the lesson, the necessary example.

   Agrimony has freed himself from all worries and is always playing games. Mimulus lost his fear. Rock Rose in the darkest moments is the portrait of calm and serene courage. Gorse , on those darkest nights, tells travelers of the progress they will make when the sun comes up in the morning.

   Oak withstands the strongest wind undisturbed; Scleranthus walks with complete certainty; Clematis' eyes are fixed on the joy of arrival and no difficulty or setback can discourage Gentian .

   Heather has learned that each traveler needs to go their own way and quietly moves on to show that it can be done. Chicory , always wanting to give a hand, but only when asked, does it very calmly. Cerato is very familiar with shortcuts that lead to nowhere, and Centaury always looks for the weaker one, who finds his load too heavy.

Rock Water stopped accusing; spends all his time encouraging. Vervain no longer lectures; it just points the way silently. Impatiens stopped rushing and placed himself among the last to keep his pace. And Water Violet , more like an angel than a man, passes among the companions like a warm breeze or a glorious ray of sunshine, blessing everyone.

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