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Plant characteristics:

   Sweet Chestnut [Castanea sativa]  it is an extremely majestic tree, strong and powerful. A tree of this species is up to eight meters in circumference. It takes five or six people holding hands to be able to surround the tree. She comes to live up to   three thousand and five hundred years, surviving situations of climate and temperature unbearable by other plants and trees.

Sweet Chestnut

   For those who have reached the limit of their endurance. They have explored all possibilities and cannot find a way out of their difficulties. That is why they feel that there is nothing more for them than annihilation.

   While the person in state  Gorse  decides to give up even though there are some possibilities still to explore, the person Sweet Chestnut has really found the end of the line: his despair is glaring.

   In an extreme state, the medicine helps us to keep our lives under our control, renewing hope and strength. And sometimes, the path opens up where you least expected it.

The description of Dr. Bach

   For those moments that happen to some people, when the anguish is so great it can seem unbearable. When the mind or body feels as if it has reached the limit of its strength and that there is nothing left to do. When it seems there is nothing but destruction and annihilation to face.

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