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 Most people are not used to behaving as they should with their bodies. Inappropriate postures at work, at home, at leisure, at school are frequent and with them the individual is susceptible to a series of pathologies. Other factors can also contribute to aggravate the problem, such as gravity that tends to compress us, flattening muscles and joints. All this ends up causing an imbalance of the body and it is in this context that RPG comes into action.

  Various morphological, joint, traumatic, respiratory (asthma/bronchitis), somatic (stress, circular and digestive disorders), rheumatological (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, tendinitis), cervico-oculo-motor problems (strabismus, headaches), perineal problems (such as urinary incontinence), sequelae of neurological pathologies and sports-related problems that require physical therapy can be treated by RPG.

  The method is suitable for the most diverse public, of both sexes and of all ages, both to prevent the possible consequences of poor posture, and to combat the various pains related to different pathologies: lumbar, sciatica, dorsal and cervical pain; repetitive strain injuries (RSI), resulting from occupation or sports activities; spine deviations (scoliosis, hyperlordosis and hyperkyphosis); pain in feet, wrists and hands; hip pain (pubalgia); herniated discs; torticollis; in addition to protecting against joint degenerative processes. RPG is also widely applied, nowadays, in the prevention, preparation and recovery of athletes and in post-traumatic re-education.

  Thus, it is clear that treatment with RPG can be used in most pathologies or disorders of the musculoskeletal system, acute or chronic diseases, with or without symptoms. There is no specific contraindication for its application.

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