Reiki is a technique of laying on of hands that transmits pure divine energy to us human beings in order to harmonize the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.
In the physical field it helps the immune system, treating wounds and chronic ailments that can be related to pain, loss of function or discomfort of any kind.
Emotionally it removes hurts, sadness, negative thoughts like suicide or loss of the joy of living. With the Divine Light in our hearts we return to ablaze in our inner purpose guided by the ascended masters.
The spirit world is more real than you can imagine. Influences from above can move our lives towards the creation of the Kingdom of God on earth or they can destroy us completely. Reiki brings divine protection so that we can through our own free will choose our best direction. They are of good cheer.
In need of Reiki energy?
Fill in the field below and I will put your name in the spiritual aid prayer box where I will be sending reiki energy for a month.
- Fill in the form below with your data
- Describe the problem in question in a short and objective way.
- Put the name of the people involved.
- Name how many times you asked for help here for this matter.
deep peace
Dr Paulo Costa
Reiki Master