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Plant characteristics:

   Scleranthus [Scleranthus annus] is a creeping plant and is completely green, both in its structure and in its flowers. It is one of Bach's smallest flowers.


   It is the remedy for people who have difficulty making up their minds. Sometimes there are 2 options, others even more, and Scleranthus indecision affects both small and not-so-small decisions: "Should I marry Joe or Peter?" and "Do I buy the red notebook or the blue one?" they are both Scleranthus states. (However, when it comes to decisive choices in our lives in which we cannot easily distinguish the possibilities,  wild oat  is also recommended.)

   Sometimes Scleranthus' chronic uncertainty manifests itself in other ways. It can, for example, show itself in sudden changes in mood or travel sickness. These symptoms are not, however, infallible signs of a Scleranthus state but their existence suggests that this floral is considered.

   Taking this medicine helps us to know ourselves and what we want. It also helps us reconnect with our intuition and become able to choose simply and assertively.

The description of Dr. Bach

   Those who suffer greatly from being unable to decide between two things now consider one and then consider the other. In general, they are quiet people, who carry their difficulties alone, as they are not willing to discuss them with others.

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