Plant characteristics:
Pine [Pinus sylvestres] is a conifer (pine), the Pines have narrow needle-shaped leaves, resinous saps and fruit in the shape of wooden cones. Also called gymnosperms.
For those who blame themselves for something, and may even take responsibility for mistakes made by other people.
They may feel so guilty that these thoughts take over their minds and make them spend all their time asking for forgiveness.
Pine's positive aspect is observed in those people who recognize their mistakes but don't waste their time complaining about them. In a positive state, Pine feels a real desire to be responsible and even to carry the burdens of others if it helps them to live better. However, he has the wisdom to recognize that this is not always the best way to help others.
The description of Dr. Bach
For those who blame themselves. Even when they are successful, they feel they could have done better and are never content with their efforts or the results. They work hard and suffer a lot because of the mistakes they attribute to themselves. Even when there is a mistake made by someone else, they hold themselves responsible.