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Plant characteristics:

   Centaury [Centaurium umbellatum] are delicate little plants, which if observed closely, you can see their flowers in the form of pink stars, which end up standing out in relation to the plants that are around them, due to their delicacy and natural beauty.


   For those who have a hard time saying no to others. The Centaury are kind souls who like to help, yet there is always someone who relentlessly takes advantage of their way of being. And so, instead of being helpful servants, they end up being slaves to the whims of others.

   This floral does not harden or call out a person, instead it helps to develop courage and self-determination. Becoming better at demarcating her boundaries and creating space for herself, freed from the desires and orders of others.


The description of Dr. Bach

   For docile, silent and sweet people who are too eager to serve others. They excel in their efforts to please others. Their desire becomes so great that they become more slaves than helpful helpers. Their good nature drives them to do more than their share of the work, and in doing so they neglect their own mission in this life.

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