Plant characteristics:
Water Violet [Hottonia palustris] is basically an aquatic plant. The delicate Water Violet belongs to the primulaceous family and they have simple flowers, with five petals.
water violet
It's the remedy for those talented and competent people whose independence and self-confidence can make them seem a little arrogant and disdainful.
Water Violets tend to be correct, quiet and full of dignity. They prefer their own company or that of some close friends.
We need this floral when our reserved nature becomes a barrier between us and others, leaving us alone and unable to contact others around us. Water Violet helps bring our balance back so that we can be more involved with humanity.
The description of Dr. Bach
For those who, in health or illness, like to be alone. They are very silent people, who move almost noiselessly, speak little and softly. They are independent, capable and self-confident. Little influenced by the opinions of others. They are indifferent and can leave others to go their own way. They are generally smart and talented. Your peace and tranquility are a blessing to those around you.