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Plant characteristics:

   The floral Crab Apple [Malus pumila] is an apple tree, and apparently resembles more a shrub than a tree, however, when you look at its amazing white flowers surrounded by bees, you can recognize Crab Apple as the plant of choice.  dr. Bach.

Crab Apple

   Known as the cleansing remedy and as such added to the  cream version of the rescue formula  originally conceived by Dr Bach. Its main function is to help those who dislike their physical appearance or personality or who feel they have something dirty or toxic in them.

   Sometimes in Crab Apple state, we obsessively focus on a detail that we want to see solved, losing the most assertive and complete view of the problems and having a very reduced view of the whole in question.

The description of Dr. Bach

   This is the cleansing remedy. For those who feel like they have something not very clean about themselves. It is usually something seemingly of little importance. In others there may be a more serious illness that is almost neglected compared to what they are centered on. In either case, they are eager to get rid of something in particular that is big on their minds and that seems so essential that it must be healed. They get discouraged if treatment fails. As a cleanser, this remedy cleanses wounds if the patient has reason to believe that some poison has entered and needs to be extracted.

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