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Plant characteristics:
Vine [Vitis vinifera] is a plant that does not have a firm structure that can stand on its own, it needs to find something to support it, like a fence, for example. It grows by intertwining itself with some host that supports it.
Dr. Bach he realized that those who need floral Vine are dominant people who end up imposing their wishes on others. This implies a big problem, which is the issue of oppression, so refuted by the dr. Edward Bach. Bach, who commented countless times in his texts that man's freedom is fundamental for him to have physical and mental health. And this is very true, both in current scientific and philosophical circles this theory is confirmed.
great thinkers like Sartre and Heidegger also had the same opinion that Bach.
The description of Dr. Bach
For those very capable people, aware of their own abilities, confident of success. They are so sure of themselves that they think it would benefit others if they did things the way they do or the way they think is right. Even in the illness, they keep giving instructions to those who take care of her.
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