Plant characteristics:
Clematis [Clematis vitalba] is a vine that settles on top of other plants or some trees. Its color is more of an “opaque” type. It grows projecting upward, where it wanders over the trees.
For those whose minds wander away from the present to their fantasies of the future or their made-up versions of the present. They often dream of future events: future successes, ventures and creative efforts. Your problem is not being rooted enough in the real world to be able to make your dreams come true.
This floral helps bring us back down to earth and come to mind so that the person can build a better life instead of continuing to daydream.
Sometimes people confuse the Clematis state with the state Honeysuckle but they are very different. Honeysuckle lives in fanciful nostalgia for the past or reliving his regrets and regrets. Whereas for Clematis the escape from reality is directed towards imaginary futures.
Clematis is one of the ingredients of redemption formula by the feeling of confusion, mental flight and fainting that can come with emergency situations.
The description of Dr. Bach
For those who are dreamy, sleepy, without much interest in life. They are quiet people, who are not really happy with their present circumstances; they live more in the future than in the present, they live in hopes of better times, when their ideals can be realized. When sick, they may make little or no effort to get better, and in some cases they may even wish for death, hoping for better times or perhaps finding a loved one again that they have lost.