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Plant characteristics:

   walnut  [Juglans regia]  is a plant that starts to bloom in April and lasts until the end of May. The tree does not come from the region and they brought it due to the production of nuts and wood. The tree prefers very fertile soil. It is a dark amber plant.


   This floral will help protect us from outside influences in general and the effects of change in particular.

   The Walnuts are fulfilling their purpose in life but sometimes they question their path especially when they listen to the opinions, theories and beliefs of others. On the contrary  Certainly , people in the Walnut state are not asking for opinions from others. But opinions are given to him anyway, and they are affected despite everything.

   As a remedy against the effects of change, Walnut is useful at all stages of transition in our lives, from starting teething and going to school, through puberty and marriage, parenthood or retirement.

   This floral helps us to break links with the past so that we can move on more easily.

The description of Dr. Bach

   For those who have definite ideas and ambitions and are carrying them out but are sometimes tempted to abandon them, driven by the enthusiasm, convictions or strong opinions of others. This essence provides constancy and protection from external influences.

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