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  Substances that eliminate heat and purge fire

      Shi Gao (Gypsum - Raw plaster or calcium sulfate - 15 to 60 g

      Zhi Mu (Rhizoma Anemarrhenae) - 6 to 12 g

      Lu-Gen (Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis) - Reed Root - 10 to 30 g

      Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) - 3 to 10 g

      Zhu Ye (Folium Bambusae) - Bamboo Leaf - 6 to 15 g

  Substances that eliminate heat and dry moisture

      Huan Qin (Radix Scutellariae) - 3 to 10 g

      Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis) - 1 to 1.5 g

      Huang Bai (Cortex Phellodendri) - 3 to 10 g

  Substances that Eliminate Heat and Infections

      Jin Yin Hua (Flos Lonicerae) - 10 to 20 g

      Lian Qiao (Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae) - 6 to 15 g

      Pu Gong Ying (Herba Taraxaci Mongolici cum Radice) - 10 to 30 g

  Substances that eliminate heat and refresh the blood

      Xi Jiao (Cornu Rhinoceri) - Rhinoceros Horn - 0.5 to 1.5 g

      Sheng Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae) - 10 to 30 g

      Xuan Shen or Yuan Shen (Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis) - 10 to 15 g

  Substances that eliminate deficient heat

      Qing Hao (Herba Artemisiae annuae) - 3 to 10 g

      Bai Wei (Radix Cynanchi Atrati) - 3 to 12 g

      Di Gu Pi (Cortetx Lycii Radicis) - 6 to 15 g

   Substances that eliminate heat are called antipyretics and purge endogenous heat acquired by the environment or generated by the organs on the stimulus of an external factor.

   According to Su Wen: "heat cases should be cooled" and Shen Nong: "Cold should be applied to treat cases of heat".

   We have the excess or deficiency syndrome of Qi/Xue and its 5 classifications are as follows:

- Antipyretic and purgative herbs: for high fever and severe chills. presenting dysphoria, profuse sweating, and a rushing pulse.

- Antipyretic herbs to dry moisture for diarrhea, dysentery and moist heat.

- Antipyretic herbs to refresh the blood for syndromes with hematemesis, nosebleed and purpura.

- Antipyretic herbs to detoxify poisons for boils, ulcers, painful swelling and exuberance of poisonous heat.

- Antipyretic herbs for heat deficient due to yin deficiency by bone evaporation among others.

   Caution should be exercised in patients with Earth element deficiency, Yin, Jing ye, diarrhea, and anorexia. It is not allowed to apply herbs with minimal negligence.

"It's a product description, not advertising. Always consult a Chinese herbalist."


1.Never buy medication without guidance from a qualified professional. 

2. Images for illustrative purposes only. 
3.People with hypersensitivity to the substance should not use the product.
4. In case of hypersensitivity to the product, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult the herbalist.
5.Do not use the product after the expiration date.
6.Keep at room temperature (15 to 30ºC). Protect from light, heat and humidity. Under these conditions, the product will remain suitable for consumption, respecting the expiration date indicated on the package.
7. All medication must be kept out of reach of children.
8.This product should not be used by pregnant women without the guidance of a herbalist.
9.Although there are no contraindications related to age groups, we recommend the use of the product for adult patients.
10.Follow the way to use correctly. If the symptoms do not disappear, seek advice from the herbalist.
11.Using the product during the breastfeeding period is also not recommended.

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