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Anti-cough substances that eliminate phlegm

      Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinellae Ternatae) - 5 to 10 g

      Bai Jie Zi (Semen Sinapsis Albae) - White Mustard Seed - 3 to 10 g

      Zhu Ru (Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis) - Bamboo Stem Shaving - 6 to 10 g

      Zhu Li (Succus Bambusae) - Bamboo Juice - 30 to 50 g

      Kun Bu (Thalus Algae) - 10 to 15 g

Substances that relieve cough and dyspnea

      Ku Xing Ren (Semen Pruni Armeniacae) - 3 to 10 g

      Bai Bu (Radix Stemonae) - 5 to 10 g

      Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae Japonicae) - Japanese Plum Leaf - 10 to 15 g

      Ma Dou Ling (Fructus Aristolochiae) - 3 to 10 g

   Substances that eliminate phlegm and relieve cough and dyspnea are known as expectorants, cough suppressants, and anti-asthmatics. They act by eliminating phlegm and others act by relieving cough  and asthma. The symptoms are:

- Retention of phlegm in the lungs with coughing, dyspnea and copious phlegm expectoration;

- Phlegm blocking the Yang with heaviness in the head and dizziness;

- Phlegm attacking the heart resulting in loss of consciousness and manic-depressive psychosis;

- Phlegm affecting the meridians, with nodules, subcutaneous tissue, abscesses, limb paresthesia and hemiplegia.

   The diseases caused by phlegm can be  by cold, humidity, heat or dryness, then these substances should be selected according to these characteristics.

   Substances that relieve cough and dyspnea have the dispersive action of the lungs, eliminating fire from the lungs, purging heat from the lungs, restoring the descending function of the lung's Qi, and eliminating phlegm.

   Cough, dyspnea and phlegm are closely related. Clinically, cough and dyspnea are complicated by phlegm, and phlegm retained in the lungs results in coughing and dyspnea.

   Substances that eliminate and relieve cough and dyspnea should be prescribed in combination:

- Cases characterized by heat, combine with herbs that purge heat;

- For cold with substances that heat the interior;

- For spleen deficiency and excessive moisture with spleen tonics that eliminate moisture;

- Deficiency of yin from the lungs with herbs that nourish the yin and purge heat from the lungs;

- By endogenous wind with substances that eliminate wind;

- For exterior syndrome with herbs that release the exterior;

- In the retention of phlegm leading to Qi stagnation as  substances that eliminate phlegm should be combined with those that activate Qi.

   Warm, dry substances that eliminate phlegm and relieve cough and dyspnea are contraindicated in cases of yin consumption and bleeding; fresh and wet ones are contraindicated for syndromes due to cold phlegm and cold dampness.

"It's a product description, not advertising. Always consult a Chinese herbalist."


1.Never buy medication without guidance from a qualified professional. 

2. Images for illustrative purposes only. 
3.People with hypersensitivity to the substance should not use the product.
4. In case of hypersensitivity to the product, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult the herbalist.
5.Do not use the product after the expiration date.
6.Keep at room temperature (15 to 30ºC). Protect from light, heat and humidity. Under these conditions, the product will remain suitable for consumption, respecting the expiration date indicated on the package.
7. All medication must be kept out of reach of children.
8.This product should not be used by pregnant women without the guidance of a herbalist.
9.Although there are no contraindications related to age groups, we recommend the use of the product for adult patients.
10.Follow the way to use correctly. If the symptoms do not disappear, seek advice from the herbalist.
11.Using the product during the breastfeeding period is also not recommended.

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