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   Formulas with digestive function are called combinations to enable food digestion and evacuate food stagnation as well as stimulating the spleen and disintegrating food accumulations. These are applied to treat illnesses caused by food accumulation or stagnation. All have the function of executing the so-called dissolver method.


1. Formulas that facilitate digestion and break down food stagnation are used to treat indigestion.

2. Formulas that strengthen the spleen and facilitate digestion are used to treat illnesses caused by food stagnation due to spleen-stomach deficiency.

   It is always good to apply vital energy-toning herbs and spleen-stimulating herbs in organizing the recipes of this treatment group with the aim of dissolving food stagnation without harming the vital energy and strengthening the vital energy without hindering the disintegration of stagnant ailments.

   It is beneficial to combine digestive formulas with formulas that regulate qi in order to move qi and facilitate food disintegration.



a) Bao He Wan - digest food and adjust the stomach. It is applied to treat all types of food stagnation characterized by painful discomfort associated with fullness and heaviness in the gastro-abdominal region, acid regurgitation, food rejection, nausea and vomiting, and possible diarrhea.

Tongue: thick, greasy coating.

Pulse: sliding.

   This is a common formula to treat indigestion caused by food stagnation, it is most appropriate to resolve food stagnation in the gastro-abdominal region as long as the patient's vital energy is not weak.

   This can be used to treat gastritis and acute enteritis, childhood indigestion, as long as it is due to food stagnation.

b) Zhi Zhu Wan - stimulates the spleen and digestion, takes away the discomfort of heaviness and fullness. Used for spleen and stomach qi stagnation, resolving inertia of the digestive system with an uncomfortable characteristic of fullness and heaviness in the gastro-abdominal region, lack of appetite, watery diarrhea or poor evacuation.

   These are stomach ptosis, gastric myasthenia, gastric neurosis, chronic gastritis, etc. provided they are characterized by qi stagnation due to insufficiency of the spleen and stomach.

c) Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan - stimulate digestion and evacuate stagnant stools, eliminate heat and moisture. Used for food stagnation, accumulation of moist heat, characterized by painful discomfort in the gastro-abdominal region, diarrhea, constipation, oliguria.

Tongue: greasy yellow coating.

Pulse: Deep and strong.

   * Do not use in pregnant women and in those who do not have food stagnation.




   This is used to treat food stagnation due to insufficient spleen.

a) Jian Pi Wan - stimulates the spleen and adjusts the stomach, stimulates digestion and stops diarrhea.

   It is used to treat disease characterized by food stagnation due to spleen insufficiency with main manifestations of anorexia and painful discomfort associated with heaviness and fullness in the gastro-abdominal region, watery diarrhea,.

Tongue covered with greasy and slightly yellowish color.

Pulse: empty and weak.

   This is a disintegrating and toning formula at the same time. It tonifies qi and stimulates the spleen to support the spleen due to its inability to remove accumulated food.

   If food stagnation is caused by spleen failure associated with cold, the Huang Lian can be removed and replaced with Gan Jian . In case the humidity is very intense, Che Qian Zi and Ze Xie can be added in order to intensify the diuresis, exuding the humidity.

"Always consult a specialist in Chinese herbal medicine"


1.Never buy medication without guidance from a qualified professional. 

2. Images for illustrative purposes only. 
3.People with hypersensitivity to the substance should not use the product.
4. In case of hypersensitivity to the product, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult the herbalist.
5.Do not use the product after the expiration date.
6.Keep at room temperature (15 to 30ºC). Protect from light, heat and humidity. Under these conditions, the product will remain suitable for consumption, respecting the expiration date indicated on the package.
7. All medication must be kept out of reach of children.
8.This product should not be used by pregnant women without the guidance of a herbalist.
9.Although there are no contraindications related to age groups, we recommend the use of the product for adult patients.
10.Follow the way to use correctly. If the symptoms do not disappear, seek advice from the herbalist.
11.Using the product during the breastfeeding period is also not recommended.

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